A Mental Alteration

Four months of college can really keep a girl busy. It’s crazy to think how far I’ve gotten, grown, and expanded my worldview over the past few months. They say your first year of college is going to be your transition year. Well, they were so right.  The beginning of the semester was grand and it still is too. The loss of a dear friend to his battle of cancer shook me a little. That going on and being away from home it was so hard to relate to people around me.  Don’t get me wrong. My new friends and mentors helped me and comforted me in the time of grieving, but it was definitely a time where God needed to intervene. The stress of homework, grades, work, and being the best Christians I could be really hit all at once during the last few weeks. You see I have the tendency to overthink and worry about the future and where I will be in the next 2 or 3 years.  It’s a constant reminder every single day that God is bigger then anything and everything I worry about. We have an inadequate understanding of who God really is. We have the problem of reducing God to the size of our biggest problem.  That’s. Not. Okay.

You see . . . I have this dream. My heart will always be in serving. It’s one of my favorite things. You can take this girl out of a foreign country, but never take the love of traveling and loving on God’s people out of her. Lately, I’ve been so down about not returning to one of my favorite countries anytime soon. It’s literally been all that I have been thinking about. I have to remind myself that there is a need here in the U.S and that I need to open my eyes up around me. It’s so hard sometimes, I know. You see 3rd world countries are being broadcasted all over as something everyone needs to do to be a great Christian. This in itself is not completely true.  God has called each of us to do something great for Him. What I have realized in the last 4 months is that I don’t have to go out of the country (even though I desperately want to and love Mexico and Guatemala)  to make an impact on someone’s life. You see that’s the best part. It’s doing something far bigger then yourself for someone you don’t entirely know and knowing that they can’t repay you. You can serve in your backyard. You just need to go looking for a place to serve. You’ll see J

A Filled and Broken Heart…

This last week I had yet another incredible opportunity to serve with Casas Por Cristo In Acuña, Mexico. I want  to share a little bit about my adventure day by day while I was serving there. So, bare with me 🙂

Day Uno

Today was the day where the things that could go wrong went wrong. Since this trip was last minute for me I built with a groups of people I barely even knew. It was a church group that wasn’t my home one. But did this stop Gods plan and purpose for this trip?? Yah NO! Turns out I grew extremely close to them. I have built 4 houses in the past with casas and the group i was in built for the first time. We had a lot of problems don’t get me wrong, from wrong wall frames to barely enough cement for the foundation of the house to even girls passing out, puking, and being dehydrated.. I honesty could not be more proud of who I got to build with though. I love each and every one of them and not to mention our Casas representative was my best friend. They persevered through the 109 degree weather. The day ended with praying at the site and getting electrolytes and Mexican coke.

Day dòs

If you don’t know how Hot Mexico is i’ll tell ya. IT’S HOT! Today the walls went up and black board around the house. 2 people needed crossed over the border to get IV’s. Building a house is mentally and physically exhausting. You have to put yourself in a position where you need to be positive And have an encouraging outlook on everything You do. Glorifying God even through thee most frustrating times. I Even had times where I wanted to swear at a nail because it wasn’t going in. Haha Im human guys, it happens. These trips will make you be a better person No doubt! You will come out of it a stronger person.

Day trés

We did siesta schedule again today which is basically waking up at 5:30and leaving around 6a.m to get to our site. We would be done around 12:30 and go back to the church we stayed at and ate lunch and slept. We would later return to the site around 4 to build until 9. With this schedule it was so nice due to the HOT weather. Being the hands and feet of Jesus is super hard sometimes but soo soo worth it. Building a house and a relationship with a family you just met that doesn’t speak your language is something you can’t just put into words. Words are honestly overrated sometimes. the power of presence can meen so much! Today we did insulation, chicken wire, roofing,  and stucco.  We worked hard today!

Day quatro

This morning half our group went over and finished sheet rock and electrical. It was also dedicating day. This is usually thee most emotional day of the week. It was so moving. Seeing the father of the household break down and cry when we hand

Baby and me, family and neighbors with team and house and lastly me showing jóse my favorite bible verse.

Baby and me, family and neighbors with team and house and lastly me showing jóse my favorite bible verse.

him the keys to his house. Tears everywhere. I had some pretty macho football playing guys on my team And to see them cry was touching. The pastor’s son of a local church built with us and even sang worship songs at the dedication(but in Spanish). The neighbor kids even came over:) not like they wouldn’t. They love us as much as we live them. This just shows no matter where you come from, what language you speak, or your yearly income We share the same Heavenly Father. Today, lets just say was the day of many many tears as we packed up and left to cross the border. Definetly not ready to head back to the U.S where we barely have to depend on God. Where most of us have everything we truly need and more.

Some last thoughts

” working when your tired, listening when you have other plans, or not giving up when you rather would means understanding that on your own, you can not help or listen or serve or work or accomplish anything of value If it’s not done without God’s strength. His strength endures the endurable and spills over into joy. My heart breaks  each time I leave and fills to the point of happy tears.”

Nothing’s gonna bring me down

If you don’t know me which will be some of you guys reading this but, I have a disease called epilepsy. The neurons in my brain shoot signals that end up causing seizures. They do not happen often but when they do I awake to feeling hopeless and embarrassed. I’m not sure if its bad luck(jk) or God just having someone there for me but, my friend Katie has been there EVERY single time. Whether its from 4th grade recess to the country of Belize To last night. She has been there through the cries and laughter of A LOT! I’m leaving for a mission trip to Mexico in Two days. The first  thing I said when regaining consciousness from the seizure is “I’m still going to Mexico” Satan has a strategy of making things go unplanned so God’s plan won’t go through. Well, sorry to burst your bubble satan but there is no place I’d rather be after a seizure then with Gods people sharing His love. NOTHING SHOULD KEEP YOU FROM REACHING OUT TO THE WORLD AROUND YOU……I leave you with that.

Encouraging texts from the Amiga

Encouraging texts from the Amiga

Grumbling vs. Gratitude

Recently, I have been in the mopes about not returning to Mexico this summer. Well God being God changed that. I got a call a week ago that asked if I could fill a spot of this pastors  Mexico team. I was thrilled!!!!!! Except one thing was standing in my way—-work. I emailed my boss and told her everything. I told her how my heart is in missions and in Mexico and that I felt called to go again. I also mentioned the trip was in 2 weeks(short notice I know) but The Lord provided. Within a day I got word back from her and she told me to go and she would support me. immediently I just cried. I’m not much of a crier but WOW does Mexico just hit me in the spot. One of my favorite books “kisses from katie” has this in it. Not to mention its my favorite quote out of many. —we can let fear of something that is really small compared to the greatness of God cripple us. Or we can take a risk, do something to help someone else, make a person smile, change someone’s world. life to the fullest exists. It’s Available. All we have to do is decide to get up and embrace it!—-  she is soo right! I’m so tired of  going through the motions or waiting for the next big thing. Why not take that opportunity and run with it. I am extremely foolish to think work was standing in my way to go serve God and His people. Don’t get me wrong i respect my employer and wouldn’t just up and leave, but thinking that God wouldn’t make this happen because of work was Dumb. In my mind I needed to work. I needed the money. The last few months I have come to conclusions that everyone needs money and that I need to just ask and trust God “give us this day our daily bread” I need to stop worrying about tomorrow and trust God in the today.