Constant Reminder

God is the beginning and the end, the alpha and the omega, the I AM. He is the God who makes things possible. Since being away at college, about 9 hours from home, i’ve learned budget the little income i have and really find myself and not only me, but God. I’ve learned to depend on Him each day. I don’t mean just praying to him i mean doing devotions and refilling my cup every day, hour, and minute. about a month into school my mom called me and informed me that a dear, dear friend and mentor of mine wouldn’t make it till Thanksgiving. This completely altered my brain. I was in the school mindset and then had to shift to prepare myself for a sudden death. I don’t handle death well, at all. For the next week my roommate, home friends, and family encouraged me while i was angry with God. I’m at the point now where i know it’s going to be okay. You see Brian is an incredible man of God and loves his family and friends down to his core. God doesn’t want to take him away from us he just wants to be with Him now. I imagine it in a way that if i had a child amazing as Brian i would want them to be in heaven with me too. All of what God has given you is a blessing. Never take advantage of it. The people he puts in your life have a reason to be there. They help you love, learn, and grow. God has authority and privilege to take them away from you. Don’t be angry with Him. He blessed you with them in the first place. Everyday i need to keep my focus on God. Treasure everyone in your life and always see the glass half full.

Mental preparation…

Leaving the states once again in 4 days!!!! ahhh i’m so excited to experience a new culture, place, and experience. Some things i’ve noticed when i’m back in the midwest is….”i don’t belong here”  it’s not that i don’t think its a great place to live its just i feel out of place living here. I was reading 1 Corinthians 7:17–Don’t be wishing you were someplace else or with someone else. Where you are right now is God’s place for you. Love and obey  and BELIEVE right there. I’m not quite sure which translation this one is but i constantly have to remind myself that i have to live in the here and now. I cant always be wishing i was someplace else. Of course i’ll be moving down to Oklahoma soon but still i need to be in the mindset of this. As i prepare mentally for this next mission trip i’m about to go on i remember this one phrase from a good book. Belief- not doubt, not suspicion, not fear, but belief- is your permission to allow God to work in your life……..So no matter what happens this next week in Guatemala i have to let God use me completely. This isn’t just for me either. I encourage everyone who is reading this to let GO of all your fear or doubt of the future and let GOD work in you!

P.s ill keep you posted on Guatemala! 🙂

Nothing’s gonna bring me down

If you don’t know me which will be some of you guys reading this but, I have a disease called epilepsy. The neurons in my brain shoot signals that end up causing seizures. They do not happen often but when they do I awake to feeling hopeless and embarrassed. I’m not sure if its bad luck(jk) or God just having someone there for me but, my friend Katie has been there EVERY single time. Whether its from 4th grade recess to the country of Belize To last night. She has been there through the cries and laughter of A LOT! I’m leaving for a mission trip to Mexico in Two days. The first  thing I said when regaining consciousness from the seizure is “I’m still going to Mexico” Satan has a strategy of making things go unplanned so God’s plan won’t go through. Well, sorry to burst your bubble satan but there is no place I’d rather be after a seizure then with Gods people sharing His love. NOTHING SHOULD KEEP YOU FROM REACHING OUT TO THE WORLD AROUND YOU……I leave you with that.

Encouraging texts from the Amiga

Encouraging texts from the Amiga

As I went to church today, a mother

As I went to church today, a mother of a widely known family in our church lost her battle with cancer. Our pastor opened with prayer and the worship band began playing while people went to the front to pray. Twenty or so people gathered around the seats of where the family was sitting and just cried and prayed for them. People often ask “why” to a lot of trajedies. They wonder where was God in the time of saddness. I don’t cry very much but when there are tears all around me I just can’t hold it in. I sat there and thought about how precious life is and how we should always see God in times of trouble. We see him in the helpers. The ones who get you through those times and comfort you. I was amazed by the family’s strength to get back up two days after her death and worship at church.

Midwest probs.

When you live in the Midwest you have to be able to expect the unexpected. When I say this, I mean the weather. You begin the week off with snow than rain and a hailstorm and finally 70 degree weather. BOO YA!!! But you really learn to appreciate the most beautiful, sunny, gorgeous days.  It just puts you in the happiest moods especially when you’re in a dry season of life. I’m not just talking about any precipitation. When I say a dry season of life I’m talking about when you feel like there is just nothing that is inspiring you, or making you want to be a better person. I always have those weak moments in life and it annoys me like no other. I’ve been told on many occasions that my life motto should be ” Go for it”  but sometimes you can’t go for it. You have duties in the here and now that need to be finished.  That’s why I’m extremely grateful of a random sunny day that just uplifts your spirits and makes you smile. When going through a dry period of time in your life remember this

““Everyone has inside them a piece of good news. The good news is you don’t know how great you can be! How much you can love! What you can accomplish! And what your potential is.”

Keep smiling 🙂